by Jessica Gaertner - June 3, 2019 Fashion News
The SAMAs took place over the weekend and it’s time for you to scroll through and decide which ensembles are going to make it onto your vision board.
The event is the country’s biggest music award show and it had it’s 25th birthday this year! South Africa’s favourite celebrities graced the red carpet – however while some fashion choices were spot on, others were somewhat questionable.
Below are some of the most talked about looks and it’s up to you to decide which category they fall under.
1. Bontle Modiselle
2. Luthando LOOTLOVE™ Shosha
3. Kelly Khumaloza
4. Lady Zamar
5. Melanie Bala
6. Gigi LaMayne
7. Nomzamo Mbatha
8. Roxy Burger
9. Morena Lihotetso Molapo
10. Mbaliyezwe Ndlela