How My Beauty Business Gives Back

How My Beauty Business Gives Back

by Jessica Gaertner - September 12, 2020
Fashion News

I absolutely adore every single product I have tried from Nu Skin. I have always struggled with my skin, especially because I have a picking addiction – even when my skin is at its best. And the results I have seen have been life changing for me. 

(yes, that’s my snoop Dogg mug)

It is an award winning global beauty company which stocks over 250 innovative, trending, natural and cruelty free products in SA’s market. We stock everything from whitening toothpaste, plumping lip balm, liquid lipsticks and cellulite cream to anti ageing creams, mud masks and facial peels. There is literally a product for everyone. The company has won multiple product awards, been featured in magazines such as Vogue and Elle and has been voted one of Forbes’ top 100 most trustworthy companies to work for.

However, putting all of those amazing attributes aside, there is something that makes me love this company even more, and that is how much it gives back! Nu Skin has founded two NGOs: Nourish The Children (A.K.A NTC) and Force For Good


“With Nourish the Children, you know exactly what your money buys – nutritious VitaMeal – which feeds children in need. Plus, your donated bag is leveraged with additional contributions from Nu Skin as well as through education and disease prevention programs. Whether you purchase a 10-meal bag or a 30-meal bag, your donation makes a difference. Because of you, more than 120,000 children will thrive every day in countries around the world.”

What the company has accomplished is absolutely unbelievable. Since the NGO was founded in 2002 they have managed to donate over 650 million meals to malnourished children around the world. However, starvation and malnourishment is an ongoing dilemma that needs constant attention, so if you would like to donate please either contact me or click this link:

Force For Good:

Force For Good’s mission is revolutionary: “to improve the lives of children by offering hope for a life free from disease, illiteracy, and poverty.

It is a huge task to take on, but what the organisation has achieved is remarkable. It was founded in 1996 and strives to aid children with a wide variety of problems, – from education to finances, disaster relief or health care. If you would like to get more information and donate, please either contact me via my contact page, or click the following link:

